Brief information about the university’s emergency plans appears below. You may download these plans to familiarize yourself with how the university plans for emergencies, and improve your understanding of emergency planning.
Emergency Preparedness Pocket Guide
UT Ready
This guide assists you by providing actions to take during an emergency.
Official Plans
Emergency Operations Plan
The Emergency Operations Plan is a step-by-step guide explaining the university’s official course of action in the event of fires, evacuation, terrorism, threats of violence, transportation accidents, and others. The plan contains information about the different levels of emergencies and outlines the corresponding roles of different university departments.
Business Continuity Plan
The University Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) is maintained by the Office of Emergency Management. Questions about the COOP can be directed to the Director of the Office of Emergency Management.
Related Info
- Emergency Communications
- Emergency Terms
- Safety Protocols (English)
- Safety Protocols (Spanish)