UTPD has a free mobile app called LiveSafe, giving our UT community and guests immediate access to police dispatch via the communication tool most frequently used — text. UTPD hopes the app will encourage users to engage and share important, potentially life-saving information, to prevent crime and enable better incident response.
Download the LiveSafe* app directly on your iPhone or Android.

APD has partnered with Austin-based startup company MobilePD to develop this application in an effort to increase transparency and openness with the community, with the ultimate goal of increasing crime tips and reports from citizens.
AustinPD is free and available via Apple’s App Store for iOS devices, via the Android Marketplace for Android devices and via the mobile web for other platforms.

Austin 311 app: With the Austin 3-1-1 smart phone app, you can work with city departments to make Austin the most livable city in the country. The smart phone app is equipped with several features helping you to report concerns within the City of Austin.
Download the Austin 311 app on your iPhone or Android.
Emergency Applications for mobile devices
The University of Texas at Austin has been researching and testing a number of Emergency Applications (Emergency Apps) for mobile devices. The results of our investigation indicate that the best method to reach emergency assistance is to directly notify 911. The state of today's technology and existing infrastructure limits the accuracy of location data and hinder response through non direct 911 responses.